I have not smoked 4788 cigarettes since my quit and saved $1017 in money I would have spent on cigarettes. That is 24 cartons The video below is showing the process of extracting Tar from 400 cigarettes. Think about it thats 2 cartons, 20 packs,. Each cigarette contains 18 mgr, so in the end this guy extracted 7200 mgr of these highly toxic chemicals found in these cigarettes. I have missed out on 86,184 mgr of tar. DARN !
Tags: quit smoking stop smoking quit smoking aides cigarette tar
Thursday, November 29, 2007
4788 Cigarettes and Counting
Posted by
10:07 AM
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Ready to quit
Here is a funny modern no smoking ad "Klar for å slutte?" translates to "Ready to quit?" This ad campaign ran in January, when people are thinking about their New Year's resolutions (and bus exhaust was most visible) Very cool.
Tags: quit smoking stop smoking quit smoking ads
Posted by
10:26 AM
Friday, November 23, 2007
Sunday, November 18, 2007
SecondHand Smoke Humor
Four worms were placed into four separate jars.
The first worm was put into a jar of alcohol.
The second worm was put into a jar of cigarette smoke.
The third worm was put into a jar of sperm.
The fourth worm was put into a jar of soil.
After one day: The first worm-dead. Second worm-dead. Third worm-dead. Fourth worm-alive.
Lesson: As long as you drink, smoke and have sex, you won't get worms!
Tags: quit smoking stop smoking addiction smoke humor
Posted by
8:51 PM
Sunday, November 11, 2007
No Tobacco Money No Support
It seems the tobacco lobby must not be spending enough money on congress The industry. from apnews The tobacco industry gave $3.5 million to federal campaigns and candidates in the 2006 election cycle, ranking 64th among major industry groups, according to the Center for Responsive Politics. Ten years earlier, it gave $10.5 million, ranking 26th.
So what is happening, congress is taking new whacks at the cigarette industry, banning tobacco sales in Senate buildings. The Senate Rules Committee recently ordered shops in the Capitol and all Senate office buildings to end cigarette sales by Jan. 1.
Cigarettes are still sold in the Longworth House Office Building. But last January, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., banned smoking in the ornate Speaker's Lobby, just off the House floor. Several key lawmakers said they have had no recent contacts with tobacco lobbyists. Maybe I'm just getting more cynical about congressmen-
Tags: quit smoking stop smoking quit smoking politics
Posted by
5:20 AM
Saturday, November 10, 2007
High School Lockdown In Drug Search
St. Cloud police on Friday used dogs to search a city high school for drugs for the first time. Four dogs searched about 1,500 lockers at Apollo High School while the school was in a lockdown drill. The 1,300 students were not told by the school about the dog searches. Parents were sent an e-mail saying a search would be done in November. Dogs from St. Cloud, Waite Park and Sauk Rapids police departments and Sherburne County sheriff’s department took part in the search. About 12 officers were in the school. The end results they found nothing other than 1 pack of cigarettes and lighters in one locker. I think that it's coolthat they didn't find any other drugs the fact that they only found the one pack of cigarettes, says a lot about their school policy and maybe even about the number of students that don't smoke, they should be happy with the result.
Tags: quit smoking stop smoking high school drug lockdown
Posted by
7:42 AM
Friday, November 9, 2007
Babies and First Amendment Speech
Ahh, the good old days, I remember when tobacco companies used the 1st Amendment Freedom of Speech argument for advertising.
Then we have jokes.
The bus driver announces that smoking is prohibited and punishable by a fine of several hundred dollars.
Suddenly, a baby starts crying.
"Come on kid," the bus driver said "you're only 6 months old, you can make it without a cigarette."
quit smoking stop smoking quit smoking aides smoking humor
Posted by
8:01 PM
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Nigeria Suing Big Tobacco
From the BBC today we learn that Nigeria's government says it has begun legal action against three leading international cigarette companies.It is demanding more than $40bn in compensation over their alleged role in promoting underage smoking. Read more at BBC article Now this is the first I have heard of a country suing big tobacco companies.
quit smoking stop smoking quit smoking aides underage smoking
Posted by
10:22 AM
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
The Oral Fixation
A lot of the removing ourself from the drug nicotine seems to involve a strong oral fixation. I started out with those white mint lifesavers. That lasted for a short while as I sucked on so many that my throat got raw. I also tried jolly rogers, ich, too much sugar, so I bought sugarless mints of different flavors and ricola cough drops. Looking for more natural things, carrots didn't do it. I have lately been using dried apricots and dried prunes. I also have been chewing on sticks, toothpicks didn't last a minute to thin so I found some chopsticks in a drawer and broke them down in size. I have also experimented with other types of wood, walnut, cherry, oak and even sticks from raspberry bushes. To see if there was a difference. I find I keep going back to the softwoods. Usually when I am using a wood I don't have any mints or such, which is a good thing. I left the house today without a mint or stick even and it was like weird . I wonder what other people use, I'd like to hear some comments on that.
Tags: quit smoking stop smoking quit smoking aides
Posted by
4:56 PM
Labels: Quit aides
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Kid Rock Smoking
I love Kid Rock"s music, I have for some time. I was very impressed with him when he was on Larry King not to long ago. He talked about maturing and was very calm. Later that nite I understand he and some members of his band had a little problem in a restaurant after a show. Why am I talking about him here on my quit smoking blog? Because I found out he has quit smoking because it was affecting his voice and his friend Hank Williams Jr. encouraged him to quit. Good for you Kid ! if you want to hear more quit smoking . I want to hear his new album 'Rock &Roll Jesus' I understand it is number #1
Posted by
11:49 AM