Even though I used to smoke around my computer. It never looked this bad. I mean this person really needs some help and not only with quiting smoking ! I would say this keyboard was killed by second hand smoke.
Tags: quit smoking stop smoking quit smoking aides
Monday, December 31, 2007
killed by second hand smoke
Posted by
4:26 PM
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Don't flick that cigarette out the window
12-28-07 ALMONT, Mich. -The Flint Journal- A tossed cigarette landed two men in the Lapeer County jail for Christmas.
Patricia Moore and her family were driving through Almont from a holiday dinner in St. Clair Shores on Sunday when a police officer pulled them over to ask who threw a cigarette out the window.
After no one owned up, Moore tells The Flint Journal the officer ordered her daughter to get out of the car after discovering she didn't have proof of insurance. Alvin Moore told her to stay put.
Patricia Moore says overzealous police are punishing her husband and son-in-law James Dunsmore -- who flicked the cigarette -- for exercising constitutional rights. Police say they were uncooperative.
Police reports submitted to the Lapeer County Prosecutor's office claim the men were uncooperative, belligerent and that one of the men locked the door and nearly closed a car window on a police officer's fingers.
They're jailed on charges of resisting and obstructing police.
Tags: quit smoking stop smoking quit smoking aides
Posted by
7:29 AM
Friday, December 28, 2007
No More Smoky French Cafes
[BBC]French cafes set to ban smoking
France is transforming the image of traditional smoke-filled cafes
France is poised to extend its smoking ban to bars, cafes, restaurants and discos, but the measure will not be enforced fully until 2 January.
The health ministry said smokers would be allowed a 24-hour "grace" period for the New Year festivities.
The ban, which will also cover casinos and hotels, comes on top of a partial ban on smoking in public places that took effect in February.
Similar bans are already in place in Britain, Ireland, Italy and Spain.
The French health ministry said the wider ban, due to take effect on 1 January, would not be monitored strictly during the New Year festivities, in a gesture of "tolerance".
Any smoker caught flouting the ban thereafter faces a 450-euro (£332; $662) fine, while those who turn a blind eye to smokers on their premises can be fined up to 750 euros.
France has about 13.5 million smokers among its population of 60.7 million.
In February smoking became outlawed in French airports, railway stations, hospitals, schools, shops and offices.
The new ban is seen as a big cultural shift for France, where smoky cafes have long been the haunts of famous artists and philosophers. The ban does not include pavement tables or open-air terraces.
In 2004, Ireland became the first European country to introduce a comprehensive smoking ban in all workplaces, including pubs and restaurants.
Tags: quit smoking stop smoking quit smoking aides
Posted by
10:57 AM
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
More Doctors Smoke Camels
This ad from the time when mailman's credo was through hail, sleet and snow the mail was delivered. According to the ad doctors made house calls, on Christmas Eve, day or nite. But most important a nationwide survey made by 3 leading independent research organizations. Taken by 113,597 doctors from Canada to Mexico, tthe Atlantic to the Pacific the favorite was said to be camel. Lets not forget the T-Zone,
Tags: quit smoking stop smoking quit smoking aides
Posted by
7:32 PM
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Last Chantix pill
Well I had my last Chantix pill yesterday, we will see what happens. i was using it for 5 months. I feel very good about being smoke free! I see with eyes from a 3 month perspective of not smoking. I can understand the drugs[ tobacco, nicotine whatever else is in there] could convince you to keep using it. I still get some cravings but they go away fast as I am easily distracted.
Tags: quit smoking stop smoking quit smoking aides chantix
Posted by
4:29 PM
Monday, December 24, 2007
Cigarettes for Christmas.
It was very common for celebrities then as well as now to be puffing on a cigarette. I bet they get paid a lot more now. As well as 'product placement' in the movies.
Here we have Ronald Reagan promoting his new movie "Hong Kong" and convincing me to send my friends Chesterfield cigarettes for Christmas. In the beautiful Christmas-card carton.
Tags: quit smoking stop smoking quit smoking aides Ronald Reagan Smoking christmas cigarettes
Posted by
5:53 AM
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Restaurateur Introduces Smoking Hole
This is a wild solution if not a original idea to avoid freedom from smoke area. I would guess the owner must be a smoker also to go through this trouble. This was done at a German restaurant. He has made three holes in the wall of his restaurant so that customers can smoke "outside."With the "smoking point," as you can see, customers put their heads through the large hole in the middle and one hand through each of the two smaller side-holes. The patrons can then legally enjoy a cigarette without having to leave the comfort of the inn avoiding breaking the smoking ban
It must get cold in the winter and I don't know if I would want to bend over like that , not knowing who is behind me.
Tags: quit smoking stop smoking still smoking
Posted by
9:02 AM
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Money-Money Your Money and Your Life
God I really love the American medical industry ! I mean it's the best in the world, if you ask our congressmen (if you have their plan). For those of us that what I call of the lower middle class. Not poor enough for free medical insurance. But have to spend huge amounts of our income for health insurance.
O.K. smoking is bad ! After spending a half a century of the money people trying to get Americans hooked on the addiction, now the smart money is made on how to get us off the nicotine. The game is money who gets your money.
The for profit insurance companies, a CEO in Mn, had to give back a few hundred milliion dollars in stock options, but he still walks away with over $800 million.
The Drug companies that have taken over the airwaves with commercials that the tobacco industry used to fill with cigarette ads.
The for profit hospital Corps. that are building Cathedrals to show their wealth by charging $25 for a mucus removal system ( Kleenex )
Not for profit Insurance ?
Today I went in to buy the last box of my prescription of Chantix. Doc had said I want you on this for six months. I read literature on the 6 months being the recommended time. I am waiting for it to be filled, I hear the clerk talking to someone on the phone, apparently Medica , feels that the date when the prescription was made was day one. I waited until, I had one week of pills left. They will not honor my doctors prescription now for the 6th month because it will be over the 6 month time frame. I should have gone in last week. of course I can still buy it full price, but that $1400 plus a month for insurance for me and my wife won't cover it.
Tags: quit smoking stop smoking quit smoking money
Posted by
7:09 PM
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Star Wars No Smoking PSA
This is a still from a PSA Probably the most obscure of the Star Wars public service announcements, this anti-smoking ad from the late '70s casts the plucky Artoo stealing a smoke on the sly behind Threepio's back. You can see the video here Just think that was almost 40 years ago
Tags: quit smoking stop smoking PSA no-smoking video Star Wars PSA
Posted by
12:50 PM
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Smoking Mothers Lead to Fat Children
A story at rawstory.com said a report from Japan said. Smoking mothers lead to fat children:
Children whose mothers smoked even in early stages of pregnancy are at nearly three times greater risk of obesity later in life, according to a Japanese study.
While researchers do not know the exact correlation, it is possible that the children whose mothers smoked were deprived of nutrition in the womb, the study said.
Well that will solve the American children obesity probem. Women, another good reason to get free of cigarettes.
Tags: quit smoking stop smoking quit smoking studies
Posted by
4:24 PM
Monday, December 10, 2007
Really dying for that cigarette
This story is supposed to be confirmed as true. I can believe it could happen.
Confirmed True by Darwin (17 June 2003, United Kingdom) The National Express bus service between Aberdeen and London takes approximately twelve hours, with NO SMOKING on the coach. A 43-year-old woman was riding south from Glasgow, and as the miles rolled by, she became more and more desperate for a cigarette. It's a long trip for addicts.
The coach stopped at Carlisle--at last, she could satisfy her craving! But no, she was not allowed off the coach. She sat in her seat, becoming more agitated by the mile. She was craving a cigarette. She was fuming.
Fellow passengers said she became increasingly anxious as the journey continued, and started shouting that she wanted off. However, the coach was on a motorway at the time. It was not permitted to stop, save for emergencies.
Somewhere between Shap and Penrith, passengers saw the woman push against the passenger door in the middle of the lower deck. She couldn't be trying to get off to smoke, could she?
Oh, yes she could!
Police concluded that the coach was traveling approximately sixty miles per hour. Our involuntary non-smoker was crushed beneath its wheels. At that point, the coach did make that hoped-for emergency stop, but life is not fair. Unlike a condemned man, our heroine never did get that last cigarette.
Tags: quit smoking stop smoking die for cigarette
Posted by
9:02 PM
Friday, December 7, 2007
Kind of help she needs to quit smoking
Now how is this lady supposed to get free of smoking. The kind of help she needs to quit smoking is to surround herself with modern men, you know the kind that believe women can open their own doors, fix their own cars,plumbing, build a deck or whatever around the house. Maybe then just then people would leave her alone and she could quit.
Tags: quit smoking stop smoking quit smoking aides
Posted by
5:39 PM