Thursday, February 28, 2008
Monday, February 25, 2008
Nigeria Suing Big Tobacco
I don't know why they would delay but Nigeria is delaying a $44bn smoking case The government is seeking $44bn in compensation for the costs of treating smoking-related diseases. The firms, British American Tobacco, Phillip Morris and International Tobacco deny all charges.For decades, tobacco firms have been accused of aggressively targeting Africa as a market, to offset the impact of tougher anti smoking regulations introduced in the west. The firms are also accused of deliberately trying to promote smoking among young Nigerians.
Tags: quit smoking stop smoking smoking law suits
Posted by
2:17 PM
Labels: government, law suits
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Smokin' Theatre Night Plays
Minnesota has truly turned into a no smoking state. Find by me, but I have to admire in a twisted sort of way the creativity of bar owners that in discovering a section (some call a loophole) in the law that for "creative reasons " and freedom of speech I assume permits actors on stage to smoke. The result being several bars have staged theatre nights where the patrons are actors and the cigarettes are props. A Prosecutor called it a "knucklehead move" which is bad I guess, I always think of the word knucklehead refers to a old motor style on a Harley Davidson, but that is another story. They suggest bar owners could be prosecuted. Some state lawmakers are considering their next action.
Tags: quit smoking stop smoking creative smoking
Posted by
6:04 AM
Labels: creative smoking
Thursday, February 21, 2008
What Smoking Can do for You
From personal experience smoking was harder than alcohol to quit and quiting alcohol was hell- smoking was the most difficult of drugs to quit.
Smokers who are given differing amounts of nicotine in "study cigarettes" show a remarkable ability to adjust their intake to maintain a stable level of nicotine intake over a day. I used to smoke a half a pack of cigarettes before going to work in the morning. not smoke all day and smoke like crazy after work. In addition, there is an addictive component to the intermittent increases in nicotine levels which accompany smoking a cigarette. This is important when considering some of the means used to quit smoking.
Besides the addiction to nicotine, what else keeps me smoking?
The addiction to nicotine certainly makes it hard to quit, but so do some of the behavioral aspects of smoking. Smoking also provides other side benefits which are real. These are some of the other reasons it's hard to stop. See which of the following areas seem to be important to you, and then note some of the solutions to minimize their importance as you plan to quit.
Stimulation: It helps you wake up, get organized, and get going.
Plan ahead. Organize the day so you won't need a cigarette to get going. Go to bed early, plan some early exercise.
Chew on gum, brush your teeth to give your mouth some stimulation.
Avoid fatigue
Handling: You enjoy some of the rituals of smoking.
Handle a coin or rock.
Clean or polish your fingernails
Wear a rubber band around your wrist and snap it.
Pleasure: If you enjoy the "luxury" of the feeling that smoking gives you, then
Keep a list of the pleasures of non-smoking.
Keep a list of the displeasures that smoking already or will cause.
Begin an enjoyable exercise program.
Treat yourself to something special.
Relaxation: Smoking can be the classic "crutch" in times of discomfort. You may find it much easier to stop when things are going well, but particularly difficult when things are going poorly.
Try to find other relaxing alternatives, such as listening to music, a walk or a talk.
Take up a hobby or sport.
Take deep breaths. Learn other relaxation techniques..
Craving: Join the club! That's the combination of the physical, mental, and psychological components of this complex and powerful addiction.
Change your routine. Take a different route to work. Drink tea if you're a coffee drinker, etc.
You may benefit particularly from nicotine replacement therapies noted below.
Habit: You smoke automatically. Chances are you don't enjoy many of them.
Throw away your cigarettes, ashtrays, etc.
If your spouse or friends smoke, designate a part of your home as "smoke-free".
Go to places where smoking is prohibited, such as theaters, libraries, etc.
Always sit in the non-smoking parts of restaurants.
Have your car cleaned.
But I've smoked so long . . . why bother quitting now?
It's been said before but it can't be said enough.
Because the benefits begin IMMEDIATELY.
* In 20 Minutes:
o Blood Pressure and Pulse return to normal
o Temperature of hands and feet returns to normal
* In 8 Hours
o Carbon Monoxide levels are already back to normal
* In 24 Hours:
o Your chance of Heart Attack has already decreased significantly
* In 48 Hours
o Smell and taste return toward normal
o Walking becomes easier
* In 2 Weeks - 3 Months
o Circulation improves
o Lung function can increase up to 30%
* In 1 - 9 Months
o Coughing, sinus congestion and shortness of breath decrease
o Cilia regrow in lungs, increasing the ability of the lungs to resist infection
* In 1 Year
o Your risk of heart disease is one-half of what it was one year ago.
You see, it really does not matter how long you've smoked. These are reliable changes which you will enjoy.
Tags: quit smoking stop smoking quit smoking aides
Posted by
7:58 PM
Labels: Quit aides
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
I Mean it. NO Smoking Here !
An angry anti-smoker in Germany was so peeved when his girlfriend lit up that he emptied a fire extinguisher to put out the cigarette, caking her and their apartment in powder.'My colleagues said it looked like a bomb had gone off in there,' said a spokesman for police in the western city of Bielefeld, raising concerns about the ability of the German police to tell the difference between charred rubble and flame-retardant powder.'He managed to put the cigarette out though.'via
Now this is going to create a real riff in this relationship. Don't you think. Do you think he had the right to do this ?
Posted by
2:54 PM
Labels: no smoking here
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Got a permit to Buy Tobacco ?
In Great Britian smokers would be forced to pay £10 for a permit to buy tobacco if a government health advisory body ,Health England, gets its way.
Apparently no one would be able to buy cigarettes without the permit,which you would buy yearly. I would rather see more help to help people quit then fines like this,
Tags: quit smoking stop smoking quit smoking aides
Posted by
1:40 PM
Labels: government
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Qwitter no smoking
If you are acquainted with Twitter or not this is looks like a pretty cool Qwitter stop smoking aid. WHOO whooo my wife and I are 5 months into freedom from nicotine !!! with about $2,000 in savings from not smoking.
Tags: quit smoking stop smoking quit smoking aides
Posted by
4:08 PM
Labels: Quit aides