Nearly one in five school children in India use some form of tobacco, according to a survey conducted by the World Health Organization. The figures are part of the second-ever Global Youth Tobacco Survey, carried out in 140 countries.
The Indian report, released by Health Minister Anbumani Ramadoss, polled 12,000 students and 3,000 school staff in the first half of 2006.
It says nearly 17% of students aged 15 and under use some form of tobacco, most of them cigarettes. Significantly, there is no difference in consumption levels among girls and boys, except in central India.
What has alarmed administrators is that more than a third of school personnel, including teaching staff, use tobacco. Despite a countrywide ban, sale of tobacco and tobacco products to minors have shown no decline over the past three years.
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Thursday, March 20, 2008
Children's Tobacco Use in India
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4:03 PM
Labels: smoking Asia
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Public Employee Smokers in Japan Have a Problem
Osaka Governor wants civil servants to work harder, smoke less
Cigarette-addicted public sector employees in Osaka might want to consider a job change. Osaka Governor Toru Hashimoto revealed on Tuesday he is investigating the possibilities to enforce a total cigarette ban for prefectural employees during working hours, the Asahi Shimbun reports.
The ban would not only mean the removal of smoking rooms on prefectural government grounds, but also that the 15-minute breaks Osaka’s public workers are given twice daily would be canceled. The former TV-lawyer turned governor hopes this will allow for a workforce more devoted to carrying out their duties.
Hashimoto revealed his plans during a meeting with the prefecture’s Department of Public Health and Welfare, saying “Having a break just for smoking is absurd.“ more..
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4:20 PM
Labels: smoking Asia
Friday, March 14, 2008
Smoking & Happiness
I was doing my daily walk a couple of days ago I noticed an old lady sitting on her front step, so I stoped to talk to her and said, 'I couldn't help noticing how happy you look! What is your secret?''I smoke ten cigars a day,' she said. 'Before I go to bed, I smoke a nice big joint. Apart from that, I drink a whole bottle of Jack Daniels every week, and eat only junk food. On week-ends, I pop pills and do no exercise at all.'
'That is absolutely amazing! How old are you?'
'Twenty-four,' she replied
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quit smoking story smoking humor
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5:09 AM
Labels: smoking humor
Sunday, March 9, 2008
S. Vitamins =Increased lung & prostrate Cancer in Smokers
Taking multivitamins has become a morning routine for many Americans. However, a new study published recently at the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, warns against taking popular vitamin supplements because of their unpredictable health effects. The study has revealed that synthetic vitamins do not protect us from developing lung cancer and other diseases. In fact, certain vitamin supplementation can put smokers at an increased risk of lung cancer and other malignant tumours. via stopsmokingsteps
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6:23 PM
Labels: smoking science
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Smokers 'make their children ill'
A leading hospital says up to a third of the children it treats for certain conditions are ill because their parents smoke in front of them.
Dr Steve Ryan, Medical Director of Liverpool's Alder Hey Hospital, says bronchitis, asthma and ear infections could be cut if parents quit smoking.
He said parents often lied about whether they smoke near their children.
The British Lung Foundation says 17,000 under-fives are treated every year forexposure to second-hand smoke.
Speaking to BBC Radio Five Live, he said out of the 35,000 children the hospital treats every year, 2,000 are there because they have been exposed to their parents'smoke.
He said between a quarter and a third of those suffering from certain conditions suchas chest infections and asthma were the victims of passive smoking.
'High intensity'
Parents often know the health implications of smoking around their children, he added.
"People feel guilty," he told BBC News. "If it was easy, they would give up. Looking after children is good fun but it can be stressful and for some, cigarettes are a way of relieving that stress."
He does not think legislation is the answer but believes parents should be aware of the various levels of risk.
The top level, he said, was parents smoking in cars, where children were "trapped" and exposed to a "high intensity" of fumes.
Mothers smoking is a greater risk than fathers smoking, and smoking in the same room as your child is also high risk, he added.
"Having smoke on your clothes is a lower risk," he said.
"But a good tip for parents is always put on another layer of clothes when smoking outside. Our staff are made to put a coat on when they go out to smoke during their breaks."
Medical conditions
Amanda Sandford from smoking campaign group Ash said an estimated half of all children are exposed to smoke in the home.
"It is clearly a widespread problem and I don't think people realise that so many children are regularly breathing in smoke," she said.
"About a quarter of adults smoke and there are more among young adults, people between 25-34, the age at which they are more likely to be parents with younger children."
She added that now smoking was banned in enclosed public places, parents should treat their home like the workplace, and smoke outside.
Research published in 2005 suggested children exposed to their parents' smoking were three times more likely to develop lung cancer later in life.
The government's independent Scientific Committee on Tobacco and Health concluded in 2004 that exposure to second-hand smoke can cause a number of serious medical conditions, including lung cancer, heart disease and childhood respiratory disease.
'Banging the drum'
Martin Birchall, an Ear Nose and Throat (ENT) surgeon and professor at Bristol University, said the childhood development period was "precious".
He said: "Passive smoking at home, exposing children to smoke they cannot escape from, increases the risk of them getting ear disease, sticky runny noses and sore throats, and further down the track, some of these ENT symptoms can in due course led on to worse diseases such as asthma."
He added: "We need to keep banging the drum. We need to publicise the fact that every cigarette you smoke is a cigarette that your child is smoking also."
A Department of Health spokesperson said: "Second-hand smoke kills. We must continue to help people understand the dangers of second-hand smoke, especially for the health of their children.
"The £56m we invested in NHS Stop Smoking Services last year was money well spent - we are well on track to meet our target to reduce the proportion of smokers in England to 21 per cent by 2010."
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5:07 AM
Labels: smoking Europe
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Smoking in Japan
Japan must be one of the politest places you're likely to visit even outdoing "Minnesota Nice". The following sign were made by Japan Tobacco,which is part the worlds third largest tobacco manufacturer. These signs are found in smoking areas, on trains and near ashtrays, there are often signs related to smoking and behavior in crowds. As a no smoking effort, they don't help but suggest proper awareness off others when you are smoking.
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8:53 AM
Labels: smoking Asia