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Saturday, April 12, 2008

Smoking & Skin Cancer

We all know that ultraviolet sun exposure is the most serious risk factor involved in the development of different types of skin cancer. However, the link between smoking and skin tumors, although well-established, is less obvious to the general public. Previously held research clearly showed that smoking cigarettes could induce an additional risk of contracting squamous cell carcinoma - a dangerous type of skin cancer, typically observed in elderly people. A recent study conducted by researchers from Netherlands has revealed that, in fact, smoking can more than TRIPLE your chances of developing squamous cell carcinoma!

The new study examined a groups of almost 1,000 subjects, both smokers and non-smokers, roughly half of whom were skin cancer patients. The researchers correlated the subjects’ smoking habits with the incidence in developing various types of skin tumours. Although no link has been discovered between smoking and melanoma, the most deadly type of skin cancer, a strong association has been found between smoking and squamous cell carcinoma. The researchers failed to find a link between tobacco consumption and another type of commonly observed skin cancer, basal cell carcinoma.


1 comment:

natashaclarck said...

If you started smoking as a teen or young adult thinking it would make you look older, it ages the skin and it is hard to hide the effects. Sometimes it is possible to identify a smoker just from looking at their face as it takes on a dull, grey color and wrinkles are more prominent than they should be for the person's age.
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