About smoking crap, techniques of getting free of smoking and the stories about smoking, quitting smoking.> Smoking and Me: Hi-Tech Smoking Jacket Has Lungs

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Hi-Tech Smoking Jacket Has Lungs

Another example of hi tech design gone crazy. designed for the polite smoker who doesn't want to fumigate non-smokers in the area. When exhaling, the wearer of the Smoker Jacket can blow down the side of the collar into a tube. The smoke is then sent through a channel of filters, making the clear fake lungs on the outside of the white jacket haze over. The more smoke goes through the lungs, the darker they get. Over time, they'll eventually turn an icky black, reflective of the smoker's lungs. It was designed by Fiona Carswell and is meant to act as a health awareness. via Trendhunter


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