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Monday, October 8, 2007

Extreme Cigarette Quiting Aid

"An Iowa woman who smokes two packs of cigarettes a day became so frustrated with her addiction that she called the sheriff's department last week and asked officers to jail her for several days — just to help her kick the nasty habit." from ABC News
I totally believe she was serious about this. In the past I have though about such a thing myself. I did not go so far as to call the cops to see if they had room but the thought was there as a way to stop. Along with getting out into the wilderness and being stranded for a time. The story referred to her "nasty habit" clearly people do not realize the intensity of the nicotine addiction can be.
There is also a ironic sense to this as people that are addicted to other drugs are put in jail and are trying to get out while some cigarette nicotine smokers are trying to get in for help- in breaking the addiction

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